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It is a pleasure to introduce ourselves as the Secretariat of this AlexMUN 2023, each of us has a specific task and it will be a pleasure to help you with whatever you need. Do not hesitate to communicate with us delegate!


We introduce to you the six different committees in where you can participate as a delegate and make from this world a better place.

CENTRAL TOPIC: “Armed conflicts and their affectations on society of the XX and XXI centuries”

Academic Support


The protocol is essential for the development of the debate, it is necessary to the delegates and Chairs know it in order to reach an agreement in an organized by respecting the rules.



Format of Position Paper

All delegates must submit their Position Paper in this format, please pay attention to the instructions indicated in the document. On the day of the debate you will be asked for two copies of each Position Paper.


Structure of Resolution Paper

Delegates, remember to review the requirements for the Resolution Paper. 


Clauses for the Resolution Paper

Delegates, remember to read and use the operative and preambulatory phrases. 

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